About Me

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Tasha has worked in Marketing for The Terra Cotta Inn for 4 years now a Boutique Resort in Palm Springs, CA. She has worked hard to maintain the that the Resort remains one of the top visited resorts in Palm SPrings and was voted one of the top 10 travel destinations in the world by AOL.com and CBSMarketwatch.com . Tasha also worked in concierge services for 5 years in the Palm Springs Area. Born and raised most of her life in Orange County only making the move in her teen years.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why try Nude Sunbathing, heres my story

Its funny ,all the people I talk to all over the world daily, you would be surprised by them as well, they beat all the stereo typical cliches you think about. Dr’s Lawyers,teachers,maids,housewives,etc everyday and in the “real World” they would have nothing in common but in the Nudist world they do, they like to be nude, for me a mother of 3 ,a wife, and a caretaker to a Dog you has Spina bifida I have my hands full and I work 30 hours a week, being nude is my release, my sanity and my love. I am a overwieght normal white female in my 20’s and I only say this because a lot of you out there say ” its all old people” or ”everyone there has perfect bodies”, and to you my friends who think this HA I say! there are all body shapes, all colors, all professions, all ages in the resorts I have seen, I have worked for Terra Cotta for almost 4 years, I was not a nudist, I was not a person that showed even her big toe in public, and it also took me 2 yrs to finally convince myself it was OK, and now I’m upset that it took me this long to be so happy and carefree about my body, and my looks and my self esteem.

Why did I wear that bathing suite that bunched and constricted and rolled down and made me feel so uncomfortable for so long? why?? Ill tell you why, because everyone around me said thats what decent people do. I laugh now because after working the Terra Cotta The Only Decent People I know are the Visitors that came through this resort, True people, no barriers and no fake facades, no lies, no clothes hiding imperfections. TRUE PEOPLE.

I can only say that for the Skeptics and the haters and the people to afraid of trying anything new, do your homework visit a resort or two before you commit and always try the Terra Cotta inn for your first nude experience there is a reason we have the highest percentage in repeat guest and most of whom tried the TC for their first time.

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1 comment:

  1. you tell them! nudists are the least judgmental people out there..
